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Clock Hours Payment Form - WSTA Conference 

Flat rate of $20 for STEM and non-STEM clock hours earned at the 2024 Chehalis WSTA Conference Weekend October 20-21, 2023.

(up to 10 hours available)

Friday Field Experience = 3

Friday Climate Speaker = 1

All 5 Sessions and Keynote = 6


Put "WSTA Spokane" here:
Estimated Number of Clock Hours (Place estimated number of clock hours earned and click "Pay Now" - for price per item, type "20")

Need to purchase CLOCK HOURS for a WSTA Workshop or Inservice (NOT CONFERENCE CLOCK HOURS)??

Inservice or Workshop - Pay for Clock Hours

Looking for offerings to get your clock hours in this year?

Click here to review our calendar and register for professional development events!


Need more help?  Email our Professional Development Coordinator:

Don Pruett at puyalluppruett@hotmail.com

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