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Event Calendar

WSTA is committed to to not scheduling events on religious holy days to ensure the participation of all educators. To do this, we utilize this calendar from OSPI and we invite our members to be familiar with this list in service to their students. 

Have a science event that you would like to add to our calendar? Fill out this form!

WSTA provides this calendar as a service to our members but cannot vouch for the quality or safety of events that are not provided by WSTA. 

Upcoming events

    • Monday, February 03, 2025
    • Monday, March 17, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom
    • 91
    Registration is closed

    WSTA OpenSciEd Middle School Professional Learning Community

    Unit 7.4: Matter Cycling & Photosynthesis

    Cost: $125 for the Series

    If you are looking to participate in a Professional Learning Community on OpenSciEd MS Unit 7.4 Matter Cycling & Photosynthesis, this Zoom series is for you. Designed by the Washington Science Teachers Association for teachers who have completed the OSE Curriculum Launch and are looking to join a group of fellow teachers as they engage in a series of Zoom meetings focusing only on their specific unit.The PLC starts with a list of planning resources, intro to the unit and dive into the first couple units on day one. Followed by discussions on problems of practice with fellow teachers and a facilitator. We will also discuss assessment, sub plans, lab set up and other hot topics with fellow colleagues. You will be led by OSE facilitator, Calvin Atkins. 

    Dates are Mondays:

    February 3, 4:00 - 5:30 PM PST

    February 17, 4:15 - 5:15 PM PST

    March 3, 4:15 - 5:15 PM PST

    March 17, 4:15 - 5:15 PM PST

    Participants will have access to a facilitator that can answer their questions via email. Clock hours are available for a fee.

    Once you register for the event you will receive an email asking you to pay for the event. You will receive a Zoom link 4 days before the event. Please do not share your Zoom link. For questions or problems, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at puyalluppruett@gmail.com.

    • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    • Wednesday, March 19, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom
    • 24
    Registration is closed

    WSTA OpenSciEd Middle School Professional Learning

    Unit 6.4: Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling

    Cost: $125

    If you are looking to participate in a Professional Learning opportunity on OpenSciEd MS Unit 6.4, Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling, this Zoom series is for you. Designed by the Washington Science Teachers Association for teachers who have completed the OSE Curriculum Launch and are looking to join a group of fellow teachers as they engage in a series of Zoom meetings focusing only on their specific unit. Join a Professional Learning opportunity on Middle School Unit 6.4,Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling. In this PL opportunity participants will gain familiarity with the anchoring phenomenon and key lessons, labs and assessments in the 6.4 unit. In addition, teachers will discuss problems of practice, elevate what is working in their classrooms, and crowd source solutions to implementation challenges. Special topics may include assessment and grading, planning for investigations, supporting absent student, and prepping sub plans.

    You will be led by OSE facilitator, William Baur, who is currently teaching OpenSciEd.  William will lead a series of Zoom meetings to introduce the lessons & labs and discuss problems of practice with teachers. Dates are Mondays:

    February 12, 2025, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, PST

    February 26, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PST

    March 5, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PST

    March 19, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PST

    Participants will have access to a facilitator that can answer their questions via email. Washington Science Teachers Association members can receive 4.5 clock hours for this event for a fee.

    Once you register for the event you will receive an email asking you to pay for the event. You will receive a Zoom link 4 days before the event. Please do not share your Zoom link. For questions or problems, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at puyalluppruett@gmail.com

    • Thursday, March 20, 2025
    • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Zoom
    • 24

    David Jennings - Native Bees and Other Pollinators

    Available to Members Only!

    Membership is $25 for a year of amazing science professional learning.

    Become a WSTA Member here. 

    Join at: https://wsta.wildapricot.org/Join

    Once a member, register at the WSTA website under Event Calendar 

    March 20, 2025, 4:00 – 5:00 pm PDT, In Zoom

    Join David Jennings, President of the Washington Native Bee Society as he discusses pollination in general and why native bees are key for the health of our terrestrial ecosystem. 

    In this one-hour webinar on Pollination and the pivotal role native bees play, David discusses the mechanics of pollination and walks through many of Washington’s common pollinators.  He will explain the keystone role native bees, in particular, have on all of our plant-based ecosystems. 

    David goes on to cover conservation concerns facing our pollinators and closes with positive steps we can take—at both the individual and community level--to support our native pollinators.

    The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session where participants ask questions about pollination, pollinators, native bees, and how to make a difference.

    Register at the Washington State Science Teachers (WSTA) website under Event Calendar or at the following link: https://wsta.wildapricot.org/EventCalendar

    After you register, you will be sent a Zoom link to attend. To obtain clock hour information or questions, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at: puyalluppruett@gmail.com.

    • Tuesday, April 15, 2025
    • Tuesday, May 27, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom
    • 19

    WSTA OpenSciEd High School Professional Learning

    Unit C.5: Energy from Chemical & Nuclear Processes

    Cost: $150 for the Series

    If you are looking to participate in a Professional Learning opportunity on OpenSciEd HS Unit C.5, Energy from Chemical & Nuclear Processes, this Zoom series is for you. Designed by the Washington Science Teachers Association for teachers who have completed the OSE Curriculum Launch and are looking to join a group of fellow teachers as they engage in a series of Zoom meetings focusing only on their specific unit. The PL starts with a list of planning resources, intro to the unit and dive into the first unit on day one. Followed by discussions on problems of practice with fellow teachers and a facilitator. We will also discuss assessment, sub plans, lab set up and other hot topics with fellow colleagues. You will be led by OSE facilitator Calvin Atkins. Participants will have access to a facilitator that can answer their questions via email.

    Dates are Tuesdays:

    April 15, 4:15 - 5:45 PM PDT

    April 29, 4:15 - 5:15 PM PDT

    May 13, 4:15-5:15 PM PDT

    May 27, 4:15 - 5:15 PM PDT

    Washington State Clock hours are available for a fee.

    Once you register for the event you will receive an email asking you to pay for the event. You will receive a Zoom link 4 days before the event. Please do not share your Zoom link. For questions or problems, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at puyalluppruett@gmail.com.

    • Wednesday, April 16, 2025
    • Wednesday, May 28, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom
    • 29

    WSTA OpenSciEd Middle School Professional Learning

    Unit 6.6: Cells & Systems

    Cost: $150

    If you are looking to participate in a Professional Learning opportunity on OpenSciEd MS Unit 6.6, Cells & Systems, this Zoom series is for you. Designed by the Washington Science Teachers Association for teachers who have completed the OSE Curriculum Launch and are looking to join a group of fellow teachers as they engage in a series of Zoom meetings focusing only on their specific unit. In this PL opportunity participants will gain familiarity with the anchoring phenomenon and key lessons, labs and assessments in the unit. In addition, teachers will discuss problems of practice, elevate what is working in their classrooms, and crowd source solutions to implementation challenges. Special topics may include assessment and grading, planning for investigations, supporting absent student, and prepping sub plans.

    You will be led by OSE facilitator, William Baur, who is currently teaching OpenSciEd.  William will lead a series of Zoom meetings to introduce the lessons & labs and discuss problems of practice with teachers. Dates are Wednesdays:

    April 16, 2025, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, PDT

    April 30, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PDT

    May 14, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PDT

    May 28, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PDT

    Participants will have access to a facilitator that can answer their questions via email. Washington Science Teachers Association members can receive 4.5 clock hours for this event for a fee.

    Once you register for the event you will receive an email asking you to pay for the event. You will receive a Zoom link 4 days before the event. Please do not share your Zoom link. For questions or problems, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at puyalluppruett@gmail.com

    • Thursday, April 17, 2025
    • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Suzi Taylor: Citizen Science

    Available to Members Only!

    Membership is $25 for a year of amazing science professional learning.

    Become a WSTA Member here. 

    Join at: https://wsta.wildapricot.org/Join

    April 17, 2025, 4:00 – 5:00 pm PDT, In Zoom

    Join Suzi Taylor, Director of MSU Science and Math Resource Center and SciStarter Ambassador for Citizen Science, as she discusses how you and your studetns can get started as a Citizen Scientist.

    Citizen Science: How to get started or take it to the next level

    Citizen science occurs when an individual or group contributes observations or data to a larger – sometimes global – initiative led by professional scientists. In the K-12 classroom, citizen science (also known as community science or participatory science) can complement the curriculum; help students build connections with role models and explore new careers; and inspire scientific exploration as students tie their interests and hobbies to research projects that make a difference in the world.  This presentation will describe how to get started (or level up) in citizen science and find projects that match your students’ interests and curriculum. We will showcase several citizen science projects that work well in a K-12 environment. No matter your grade level or subject, you will leave this presentation with new ideas for incorporating citizen science into your science classroom or extracurriculars.

    Register at the Washington State Science Teachers (WSTA) website under Event Calendar or at the following link: https://wsta.wildapricot.org/EventCalendar

    After you register, you will be sent a Zoom link to attend. To obtain clock hour information or questions, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at: puyalluppruett@gmail.com.

    • Monday, April 21, 2025
    • Monday, June 02, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom
    • 100

    WSTA OpenSciEd Middle School Professional Learning Community

    Unit 7.6: Earth's Resources

    Cost: $150 for the Series

    If you are looking to participate in a Professional Learning Community on OpenSciEd MS Unit 7.6 Earth's Resources, this Zoom series is for you. Designed by the Washington Science Teachers Association for teachers who have completed the OSE Curriculum Launch and are looking to join a group of fellow teachers as they engage in a series of Zoom meetings focusing only on their specific unit.The PLC starts with a list of planning resources, intro to the unit and dive into the first couple units on day one. Followed by discussions on problems of practice with fellow teachers and a facilitator. We will also discuss assessment, sub plans, lab set up and other hot topics with fellow colleagues. You will be led by OSE facilitator, Calvin Atkins. 

    Dates are Mondays:

    April 21, 2025, 4:15 - 5:45 PM PST

    May 5 & 19, 2025,  4:15 - 5:15 PM PST

    June 2, 2025, 4:15 - 5:15 PM PST

    Participants will have access to a facilitator that can answer their questions via email. Clock hours are available for a fee.

    Once you register for the event you will receive an email asking you to pay for the event. You will receive a Zoom link 4 days before the event. Please do not share your Zoom link. For questions or problems, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at puyalluppruett@gmail.com.

    • Wednesday, April 23, 2025
    • Wednesday, June 04, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom
    • 100

    WSTA OpenSciEd Middle School Professional Learning

    Unit 8.6: Natural Selection & Common Ancestry

    Cost: $150

    If you are looking to participate in a Professional Learning opportunity on OpenSciEd MS Unit 8.6, Natural Selection & Common Ancestry, this Zoom series is for you. Designed by the Washington Science Teachers Association for teachers who have completed the OSE Curriculum Launch and are looking to join a group of fellow teachers as they engage in a series of Zoom meetings focusing only on their specific unit. You will be led by OSE facilitator, Will Baur. William will lead a series of Zoom meetings to introduce the lessons & labs and discuss problems of practice with teachers.

    Dates on Wednesdays:

    April 23, 2025, 4:00 - 5:30 pm, PDT

    May 7, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PDT

    May 21, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PDT

    June 4, 2025, 4:00 - 5:00 PM, PDT

    Participants will have access to a facilitator that can answer their questions via email. Washington Science Teachers Association members can receive 4.5 clock hours for a fee. 

    Once you register for the event you will receive an email asking you to pay for the event. You will receive a Zoom link 4 days before the event. Please do not share your Zoom link. For questions or problems, contact Don Pruett, WSTA Professional Development Coordinator at puyalluppruett@gmail.com.

    • Friday, April 25, 2025
    • Saturday, April 26, 2025
    • Vancouver, WA

    Thank you so much for your application to attend ClimeTime's 3rd Annual Climate Education Summit! Please make sure that you have the registration code that you got in your acceptance email from Johanna Brown (johanna.brown@k12.wa.us) and please contact her if you cannot find the email or need any help! If you found this page and haven't applied, please go here to apply by March 21. 

    This is your official confirmation to attend the Summit. You will be signing up for the pre-events on Friday and the main event on Saturday. Please choose the ticket type that corresponds with what events you are able to attend. One month before the Summit,  you will get a full digital program, schedule, and a complete set of maps to ensure you have everything that you need. 

    For now, our overall schedule is:

    Friday April 25, 2025 (Pre-Events)

    • 1 pm - 4 pm: Field Experiences (View Map) (View Descriptions)
    • 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm: Welcome and Tribal Climate Speaker (at Fort Vancouver Historic Hangar, View Map)
    • 6 pm - ???: Optional Group Dinners or Dinners on Your Own (We have made multiple group dinner reservations that you will be able to sign up for if you would like to spend time with folks from the Summit. Dinner costs are not included.)

    Saturday April 26, 2025 (At WSU -Vancouver, View Map)

    • 7:30 am - 8 am: Registration
    • 8 am - 9:15 am: Keynote Speaker on Salmon Recovery
    • 9:15 am  - 11:30 am: Sessions 1&2
    • 11:30 am - 12:15 pm: Lunch (provided)
    • 12:20 pm - 4:10 pm: Sessions 3, 4, & 5
    • 4:10 pm - 4:30: Closing

    Field Experience Options: Read the full descriptions including required gear, addresses, directions, and accessibility notes. 

    1. EcoX - Ecosystem Explorers Field Trip Hosted by Columbia Springs
    2. Public Art and Place-Based Learning: Indigenous Inclusion in a Layered Landscape Hosted by Confluence
    3. FULL! Inspiring Hope and Action in Students through Salmon and Service Projects Hosted by Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group and Fort Vancouver High School
    4. Exploring, Propagating & Using Native Plants in School Yards Hosted by Battleground Public Schools, Lower Columbia Nature Network

    • Saturday, October 25, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • UW Tacoma

    Save the Date for Washington State's Only Science Education Conference!

    October 25, 2025

    UW Tacoma

    Tacoma, WA

    Join us for exciting presentations, field trips, social gatherings, an amazing keynote speaker, STEM clock hours, prizes, vendors, and great learning about science and environmental education. We will have pre-events scheduled on the Friday night preceding the conference. More information coming soon! 

    Head over to our conference page for updates including events, schedules, list of vendors, and more!

    General questions? Contact our conference team!

    • Saturday, October 25, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • UW Tacoma

    Exhibitor Registration for 

    Washington State's Only Science and Environmental Education Conference!

    October 25, 2025

    UW Tacoma

    Tacoma, WA

    The Washington Science Teachers’ Association (WSTA) and Washington's Professional Association for Environmental Educators (E3 Washington) invite you to join us as an exhibitor at our annual conference this fall in Tacoma, WA. We are committed to providing you with an outstanding conference experience including a lively exhibition hall amidst the conference lunch, keynote, and check-ins. 

    After you register, a link to a document will be sent to you as a way to easily confirm your logo, needs, and place to keep back-up contacts. Look for the document to be emailed to you within 48 hours of registering. 

    Note that the gold package includes one presentation. All other exhibitor presentations will need to be submitted through our application process and are due on 5/9/2025.

    If you have any questions or want to talk about any additional options for supporting the conference don't hesitate to reach out!

    Available Packages

    Cu (Copper) Package

    Non-Profits Only


    1 8' Table

    2 Registrations Included

    Acknowledgement w/ Logo in Schedule

    Acknowledgement w/ Logo on Website

    Logo on Keynote Slides

     Ag (Silver) Package


    1 8' Table

    2 Registrations Included

    Acknowledgement w/ Logo in Schedule

    Acknowledgement w/ Logo on Website

    Logo on Keynote Slides

     Au (Gold) Package


    1 8' Table

    2 Registrations Included

    Acknowledgement w/ Logo in Schedule

    Acknowledgement w/ Logo on Website

    Logo on Keynote Slides

    *First Pick of Table Location (in chronological order of registration)

    *1 Session of Exhibitor's Choice

    Dates and Deadlines

     10/3  Exhibitor Registration Closes
     10/10  Last day to make registration changes. 
     10/25 7:00 am Exhibit Hall Open for Set-Up

    8:00 am Conference Begins

    5:00 pm Conference Ends

    6:00 pm Exhibits Must be Torn Down

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